How healthy is skiing?
Switch off for a moment and relieve stress. Get out into nature in the fresh air. Exercise and eat reasonably healthy are probably the best things for your health and a strong immune system. In addition, there is the blue sky, the sunshine, a bit of "MeTime" and the breathtaking Tal – that is good for the soul .
The coordination skills are strongly promoted in skiing and telemarking. At the same time, the sense of balance, the reaction time and muscles that have not been used for a long time are trained. The pulse is in the moderate range, but can increase with adrenaline rushes. On ski tours, the pulse and the breathing rate can be higher range, this depends on the fitness of the skier . Due to the altitude, a rather slow but constant running style is chosen, so the ascent is pleasant and meditative!
How dangerous are skiing, freeriding & ski touring?
According to the BFU, an average of 39,000 skiing accidents occurred in Switzerland between 2007 and 2011. That sounds like a lot. The SUVA data shows that there are 0.351 accidents per 1000 hours of skiing. Compared to other sports such as handball or football with 2.114 or 1.931 per 1000 hours, the risk of accidents on the boards is much lower. The risk for skiers is, however, only slightly higher than the cross-country skier with 0.223 accidents. touring skiing with 0.141 is at first glance almost twice as safe as cross-country skiing. Of course, injuries during ski touring can be more serious and the recovery is much more complex. Mostly the lower extremities (43%) are hit, followed by the upper extremities (35%), torso (10%) and head (7%) . In about 9% of all accidents other people are involved, but that doesn't mean that all collisions are . Be When skiing, most people are injured by the age of 30 – 59 years old .
The risk of having an accident is much lower in the ski school. Our highly trained snow sports instructors anticipate the respective situation and assess the ability of our guests correctly. Use the experience of our professionals in freeriding and touring too!
How high is the risk of infection from Covid-19 on the ski lifts?
A blog series by Prof. Dr. med. emer. Hans Hoppeler about the spread and the risk of infection in a ten-minute gondola ride can be found in the Link. below
Don't overdo it!
Freeriding and ski touring are special experiences that will forever be carried in the heart! It connects, it welds together, it requires a lot of effort to get to the summit, but there is only a brief moment of bliss on the fast descent. We are in nature and it is unpredictable despite the best risk management, experience and precautionary measures. It's about to avoid the risk of accidents and illness as far as possible – everyone can contribute. Not only on the descent but also on the ascent. At the moment it is not necessary to blow the heart rate monitor, because it stresses the lungs too much and thus weakens the body. In these times it does not have to be the steepest couloir, the deepest powder, the highest rock, the longest tour or the fastest time. . Go out, enjoy the wonderful mountains, take time for yourself and nature, Slow Down – in the spirit of the PassionSki philosophy!
Marco Balz, snow sports instructor / Coach PLI
Link: Talking is silver, keeping silent is gold
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